Characters and places in Storm Bride

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The following is a listing of the major characters (human and otherwise), places, and titles which occur in the novel Storm Bride. Pronunciations are given for the more important entries.


Primary characters

Keshlik - [ˈkɛʃlɪk] - A Yakhat warrior, the leader of the war bands of the Yakhat at the time of the story.

Saotse - [ˈʂawtse] - An elderly woman with a profound connection to Oarsa. Saotse was originally from Kalignas (though note that the name of her home country does not actually occur in the book), but she was called across the sea by Oarsa at a young age.

Uya - [ˈuja] - A young [[Prasei people|Praseo] woman, who is pregnant with her first child at the time of the story.

Secondary characters

Bhaalit - [bʱaːlɪt] - Keshlik's second in command, and speaker for the Khaatat tribe of the Yakhat.

Dhuja - [dʱuːdʒa] - An elderly Yakhat woman, midwife to Tuulo and Uya.

Juyut - [ˈdʒu.jʊt] - Keshlik's younger brother, who is likely to inherit the leadership of the Yakhat armies when Keshlik retires.

Kenda - [ˈkɛnda] - The ruler of the Yivriindi, who comes to the aid of the Prasei. "Kenda" is properly a title, not a name, but the given name of the Kenda does not occur in this story.

Nei - [nej] - Uya's great-grandmother (though Uya calls her simply "grandmother" in the book), and the Eldest of Uya's enna.

Oire - [ˈwire] - Uya's mother.

Palam - [ˈpalam] - A Yivriindi emissary send from the Kenda's household to gather support for the Kenda from the outlying villages of the Prasei. He eventually accompanies Saotse and Tagoa on

Tagoa - [ˈtagwa] - A Praseo man from the village of Ruhasu, who takes in Saotse after she flees from Prasa.

Tliqyali - [tɬiˈʔʲali] - A Hiksilipsi woman who helps Saotse during her time with the Kenda.

Tuulo - [ˈtuːlo] - Keshlik's wife. Like Uya, she is pregnant with her first child at the start of the story.

Minor characters

Bera - Tagoa's brother.

Choudhap - Speaker for the Lougok tribe of the Yakhat.

Chrasu - A young boy from Uya's family.

Chuuri - A young Yakhat man, one of Juyut's companions.

Danut - A young Yakhat warrior, one of Juyut's companions.

Danyak - Speaker for the Chalayit tribe of the Yakhat.

Deika - Uya's father.

Deikhul - One of the elders of the Khaatat tribe of the Yakhat.

Dhalyat - A young Yakhat warrior, one of Juyut's companions.

Dheijit - Speaker for the Tanoutut tribe of the Yakhat.

Hetsim - A captured Guza slave.

Jeoa - A young Praseo man who brings news of the ambush to Uya's enna.

Keishul - Keshlik's father, who originally heard the call of Golgoyat.

Lashkat - Keshlik's horse.

Lochat - An elder of the Khaatat tribe of the Yakhat, Bhaalit's father-in-law.

Mariku - One of Uya's aunts.

Narista - The heir to the Kenda, and future Kenda-to-be.

Rada - Uya's husband.

Rushyak - A young Yakhat warrior, one of Juyut's companions.

Tashnat - An elder of the Khaatat tribe of the Yakhat.

Tuulik - Tuulo's son.

Vanasenar - The semi-legendary leader of the Yivri and ancestor of the Kenda.

The Powers

The Powers are the gods or elemental spirits which figure prominently in Storm Bride. There are three which figure significantly into the action in Storm Bride and others which are only mentioned.

Major powers

Golgoyat - [ˈgɔlgoyət] - The Power of the storm cloud, conceived of as a fierce warrior. Venerated by the Yakhat, especially the men.

Khou - [kʰoː] - The Power of the earth, protectress of women and source of fertility. Venerated by the Yakhat, especially the women.

Oarsa - [ˈwarsa] - The Power of the deeps of the sea, a benevolent protector of mankind. Venerated by the Prasei and the Kaleksha alike.

Minor powers

Azatsi - A Power of the mountains, stones, and earth. The mountain range Azatsi's Spine is considered his home.

Chaoare - A Power of the north wind, bringer of good omens.

Lunelori - The Power of the night sky, the protector and patron of the Yivriindi.

Prasyala - The Power of the river Prasa, venerated by the Prasei.

Places and Peoples

Azatsi's Spine - A large mountain range at the eastern edge of Yivras, a long ways to the east of Prasa.

Bhuuyit - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Bhuuy Ban.

Budhut - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from But Ban.

Chalayit - The largest tribe of the Yakhat, originally from Chalay Ban.

Gaadhat - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Gaat Ban.

The Gap - A pass through Azatsi's Spine, one of the only places where it's possible to cross the mountain range.

Guza - A people who lived in the Gap and operated a way station for trade passing over Azatsi's Spine.

Hiksilipsi - One of the peoples of the Yivri, often found as shamans and priests throughout Yivras.

Kalagak - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Kalak Ban.

Kendilar - The capital city of the Yivriindi, a people who lived south of Prasa and the Prasei.

Khaatat - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Khaat Ban. The primary Yakhat characters in Storm Bride belong to the Khaatat tribe.

Kouchuk - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Kouk Ban.

Kourak - The city-dwelling civilization which attacked the Yakhat and drove them off the Bans.

Lagayit - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Lagay Ban.

Lougok - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Louk Ban.

Prasa (city) - The capital city of the Prasei, a major center of trade located at the mouth of the Prasa river.

Prasa River - A river which flows from Azatsi's Spine to the White Mouth Bay, one of the major waterways of Yivras.

Prasei - The inhabitants of Prasa and its surrounding reasons. Main article.

Pruyit - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Pruy Ban.

Ruhasei - The people from the village of Ruhasu.

Ruhasu - A minor fishing village near Prasa.

Saoleka River - A tributary of the Prasa River, which flows through the high plains north of Prasa.

Suroei - A harbor in the islands at the mouth of the White Mouth Bay, where the Prasei and the Kaleksha traders met.

Tanoutut - One of the tribes of the Yakhat, originally from Tanout Ban.

Tsingris - The largest city in Yivras, a center of trade and craftsmanship located far to the south of Prasa.

Vanavar - The capital settlement of the Hiksilipsi.

Yakhat - A semi-nomadic herding and raiding people from the far side of Azatsi's Spine. Main article.

Yivri - A group of closely-related peoples and cultures who lived on the west side of Azatsi's Spine. The region in which the Yivri lived was known as Yivras. Main article.

Yivriindi - One of the peoples of the Yivri, living in the center of Yivras.